Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners, Lightsquare - DBSD Bankruptcy, EchoStar, Dish Network Things to Ponder

Today's Headlines Read

"Harbinger Offer Sets Back DBSD $1.1 Billion Sale To Dish Network"

" ... giving DBSD and its creditors time to discuss details of the Dish plan and a competing plan by Phil Falcone's Harbinger Capital Partners hedge-fund firm and fellow investment company Solus Alternative Asset Management. "

No Wonder Philip Falcone was Gathering information On Craig McCaw and DBSD. Proving Connections and Conflicts of Interest to Use as Leverage? (more on What information Coming SOON )

So Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners is Really going to Get DBSD North America.

Will Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners STOP the Hughes Communication Sale to or Will
Telecommunications Mogul Charles Ergen Just Give Up, possibly because of Some Deal that DISH Network and EchoStar is Making to Retail Spectrum for the Spectrum Wholesaler (Lightsquared - Harbinger Capital Partners ?)

Telecommunications Mogul Charles Ergen is very Smart, I bet there is something BIG in this for Charles Ergen, DISH Network and EchoStar. And that Charles Ergen knew about it all along.


Weil Gotshal Briefing - Business Finance and Restructuring Report

How Far is To Far for Distressed Investors in the DBSD Sale - Weil Report


TerreStar Bankruptcy - DBSD Bankruptcy, Things to Ponder

TerreStar Bankruptcy infinitely connected to the DBSD Bankruptcy and "Planned" is what many Shareholders Believe and Credit Suisse Once Claimed

Sprint - Lightsquared, Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Research Links

Don't Forget that Many of the Links on this Page Put Sprint in all kinds of objections and legal filings and Sprint, when all is said and done will be in Business With Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners.

The Following Shows that Harbinger Capital Owns a Huge Stake in Sprint, So when Sprint Opposes Echostar Doing ANYTHING or when Sprint Nextel (S) has an objection in the DBSD or the TerreStar Bankruptcy - I Say Sprint Nextel (S) speaks on behalf of

Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners and in the best interest of Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners AND in no way in the Best interest of the "Creditors" or the "Shareholders" of either TerreStar or DBSD - in My "Opinion" of Course.

{ Philip Falcone's hedge fund Harbinger Capital Partners }
"Top .. Holdings by percentage of assets reported on 13F filing
Calpine (CPN): 18.47%
Sprint Nextel (S): 15.35% "
Read more at Source

Sprint Nextel (S) and Harbinger Capital Partners
are part of the Ad Hoc Committe that "Opposed" the EchoStar Plan Right

Note Here:
Solus Alternative Asset Management LP from Todays News Bidding on DBSD with Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners - Solus Alternative Asset Management LP is Sola LTD

Sola Ltd is Connected to Motient Communications that Became TerreStar.

Sola Ltd is Connected Bigtime to Credit Suisse.

Sprint, Ad Hoc on TerreStar and Other Connections

DBSD North America Bankruptcy or the Terrestar Bankruptcy Have Inside Document

Sprint in Talks with Harbinger Capital


Tidbits on the TerreStar Bankruptcy

Was there Ever a Doubt that Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners Controlled theTerreStar Unsecured Creditors Committee - Not to Me

The TerreStar Unsecured Creditors Committee
Click for Who is ON the Creditors Committee
(Details of How These Guys, Companies, Attorneys are Connected will Be Posted Soon.)

Note Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners , LightSquared is in Deals with Qualcomm

{Nokia Siemens Networks US LLC - Roland J. Behm}

Nokia Siemens is a Major part of the Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners , LightSquaredproject so surely Nokia Siemens On the TerreStar Unsecured Creditors Committee is a Conflict of Interest ???
Nokia Siemens wins $7 billion U.S. deal

So it Would Seem to me, Logical thinking and all that
Nokia Siemens Networks US LLC on the TerreStar Creditors Committee would do anything that Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners , LightSquared told them to and was in the best interest ofPhilip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners , LightSquared for that would also be in the best interest of Nokia Siemens Networks US LLC .

LORL - there is Suspicious Activity around the Loral Space Systems Satellite Contracts

John Bicks, TS-2 Contract Corruption, Fraud against the U.S Bankruptcy Courts?

John Bicks seems to have
had a lot of prior relationships with the former CEO of Motient/Terrestar Ray Steele. Ray Steele was CEO at the time the contract was signed in 2002.

John Bicks seems to have
covered up the TS-1 contract in the LORL ( Loral Space Communications) Bankruptcy.


EchoStar Links of Interest

Echostar Holding Purchasing Corporation, Aurora Colorado Googles "Lightsquaredmakes offer on DBSD and Terrestar" On My Sites ON Feb 26th 2011

EchoStar Either never had a Shot at DBSD or TerreStar (Smoke and Mirrors) Or EchoStar - Dish Network is in Bed With Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners , LightSquared

Motient Communications Became TerreStar

Motient Communications Research Links
Motient Communications - Gary Singer

Motient Communications - TerreStar Merger

Motient Communications, and Gary Singer Connections Research Link

Motient Communications - TerreStar - Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners, LightSquared Research Information.

{through the Motient - TerreStar Merger and connected Events Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners THROUGH SkyTerra Control, actually Control TerreStar Right? }

" ...So if SkyTerra Controls TerreStar Networks Inc., Mobile Satellite Ventures LP and Motient - and if Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital (Owner of Lightsquared) if they Control SkyTerra, well then didn't they really Control TerreStar all along ?

So Did "Echostar Holding Purchasing Corporation" "Dish Network" "Echostar" EVER Really have a Chance at Controlling, Purchasing TerreStar in the First Place ????

Was the Bankruptcy Courts just a Smoke and Mirrors Illusion?

Links on SkyTerra - Philip Falcone - Harbinger Capital


TerreStar Corporation List of Equity Security Holders


TerreStar Networks Timeline Chart

More on the TerreStar Bankruptcy and Who is "In Bed With" Whom.

DBSD Bankruptcy, Charles Ergen, Echo Star and Dish Network

The TerreStar Shareholders are NOT Happy and the Creditors Committee on the TerreStar Bankruptcy has Massive Conflicts of Interest ALL Pointing to the Fact that Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners Controls the

DBSD Unsecured Creditors Committee Resource Links

Presiding Judge:Judge Lewis A. Kaplan
Appellant:Sprint Nextel Corporation
"Shortly after DBSD filed its plan disclosure, DISH purchased all of the First Lien

Solus Alternative Asset Management LP Connections
Fibertower/ First Avenue/ Solus / Terrestar Connections

Coming Soon Lot's More "In Bed Withs" and Information on the Detail of
the TerreStar Corporation Bankruptcy.

Got a Tip ?

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

More on The TerreStar Bankruptcy Click Below

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